
Follow the paths around the house and enjoy a beautiful, calming experience that is great for people and for wildlife.

The Court House is a grade II listed country house and the impressive home boasts an equally impressive garden.


But if you are expecting a formal garden with clipped lawns and manicured borders controlled using harsh chemicals then you may be surprised by what greets you the other side of the gate.


This is a lovely example of how a more informal style of gardening can exist with and enhance the more traditional, formal style that is expected at this style of property.


As you walk along the neatly mown paths you can run your fingers through swatches of longer grass and enjoy the mature fruit trees and beautiful borders full of native woodland-style planting.


Closer to the house you will find more formal areas set against a backdrop of meadow-style long grass and wildflowers.


The garden sweeps all the way round the house and the formal and informal mix is combined beautifully throughout.

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