A winning day for Carbon Neutral at Aldbourne Carnival

Carbon Neutral Aldbourne’s Ros Oswald had a brilliant time at this year’s Aldbourne Carnival. She took the opportunity to spread the word about all things Carbon Neutral. Here she looks back on the fun she had with her trusty partner, Molly the Labrador.
It is quite a while since I have taken part in Aldbourne Carnival. 0ver the years I have taken part in many Carnivals and, among other characters, I’ve been Princess Anne, the Fairy at the End of the Rainbow and a medieval madrigal singer. However, old age and lockdown had curtailed my creative side but 2022 seemed a good year to entertain Aldbourne again on Carnival day and I decided to go ahead with a Carbon Neutral Aldbourne (CNA) theme.
My first thought was a very simple idea “Go Green!”. I would base it on our mantra Reduce, Reuse, Recycle.
I popped into the Community Junction Charity Shop and found a green T shirt and green trousers in my size which was a great start. That was the Reuse box ticked. I collect foil strips for recycling so I cut up some strips to make a highly attractive(!) belt and necklace. I wanted to find something to represent renewable energy and, to my surprise, found a windmill toy which did actually mean my own walking was wind powered once I had sewn it into my hat band!
I decided that Molly needed to share the eco message so put her “Paws on Plastic” bandana around her very furry neck and took a bag with us so that we could collect litter as we walked around in procession. She really enjoyed the day especially when she was allowed to sit in the Top Gun cart which had been very skilfully put together by another group.

To finish off our outfit I collected some fruit and herbs from my garden and the Community Garden to show how we can have food with no air miles. I wanted to enter the class for groups as Carbon Neutral Aldbourne. However, I was told that I could only be a group entry if I was using a vehicle! I pointed out that wouldn’t be a very carbon neutral entry but accepted the decision and entered the adult walkers class instead. I really enjoyed taking part and chatting to others especially to spread the word about recycling and reusing.

I was absolutely astonished to find out I had won the class and had a large cup to celebrate with. However, I think this is a win for the whole village. The help and support we have received at CNA makes me proud to live here. So, well done Aldbourne. This win is down to you!