Another peek inside the Aldbourne Nature Reserve

The Aldbourne Nature Reserve is taking shape nicely and we are have now reached over 50% of our target. Even in the depths of Winter these spaces are providing food and habitat to wildlife. From the frost covered leaves to the gorgeous colourful berries these garden spaces also provide joy to their owners.
We caught up with Ray and Vera Chapman who’s wildlife-friendly space may not be huge but it is certainly beautiful.
Q – What made you decide you wanted to encourage wildlife in your garden?
I have always enjoyed seeing wildlife in my garden especially birds, moths, butterflies and squirrels.
Q – Why did you decide to join the Aldbourne Nature Reserve?
Because I agree with what you are doing and climate change is something we need to do something about.
Q – What features are there in your wildlife area?
Wildflowers and cultivated flowers that support wildlife. We also have a bird bath, a bird feeder, a water tub, hedges and a pile of crocks for insects.

Q – What wildlife do you see regularly in your garden (birds, insects, flowers, plants, fish, frogs, newts)?
Wrens, robins, blackbirds, pigeons, doves, sparrows, long-tailed tits, squirrel butterflies and moths.
Q – Have you noticed any differences since you added the bird bath?
I think the bird bath has made the biggest difference, all the different birds visit this at different times of the day.
Q – Are you planning to extend or reduce the wildlife area, if so why?
I will not be reducing it, it will extend itself naturally as the plants become more established.
Q – What have you enjoyed most about your wildlife area?
Sitting eating my breakfast whilst watching the squirrel running along the fence and stopping to watch me eat my breakfast. Also the wrens come to the window and eat insects as I am sitting there.

Q – What have you disliked about having a wildlife area (if anything)?
Nothing, I just wish cats didn’t want to visit it!
Q – What would you say to anyone thinking of creating a wildlife area in their garden?
Do it so we can help our wildlife.
Q – Has anyone else commented to you about the wildlife area in you garden?
No. But because I have always encouraged wildlife I think my children expect to see it.
Q – Has anyone else started a wildlife area as a result?
My son Steven and his wife have a large pond that supports wildlife.
Q – Have you any top tips on plants/other garden features that work well in Aldbourne and attract lots of wildlife?
If you have the space then plant a tree. I don’t have the space but would plant one if I could.
We are always on the lookout for more members of the Aldbourne Nature Reserve. If you have a patch you would like us to include or you would like to find out more please get in touch.