A look back on what Carbon Neutral Aldbourne got up to in 2024
The General Election was just one of the significant events that happened in 2024 which was interesting to us. Read on to find out what we have been doing – and why….. Biodiversity During 2024 we were very pleased to see the fruition of our work with the Parish Council to start replacing some of […]
A look back at Carbon Neutral Aldbourne in 2023 (and plans for a busy 2024)
Last year was a busy one for Carbon Neutral Aldbourne with our sub-groups carrying out different activities and taking the group as a whole in a number of fascinating directions. In case you missed anything, here is a quick recap… BIODIVERSITY Aldbourne’s verges The verges project was carried forward throughout 2023. It has been wonderful […]
Aldbourne is giving hard-to-recycle waste a new life
Did you know that your hard-to-recycle rubbish (think anything that can’t go into your kerbside recycling boxes) could be collected and then recycled rather than ending up in landfill? In this blog you will find out everything you need to know about what can be recycled through our collection points and where the collection […]
Switch to 100% renewable energy and get £50 credit
Switching to 100% renewable energy is one of the best ways to significantly reduce your carbon footprint. A 100% renewable energy tariff means that the electricity comes from renewables such as solar power, wind power and hydropower and not from environmentally damaging fossil fuels. Carbon Neutral Aldbourne has partnered with Octopus Energy to make switching […]
Last week we brought you a blog written by Carbon Neutral Aldbourne’s Ros Oswald who has been tracking down this year’s candidates for East Wiltshire to find out their views on important environmental issues. This week we bring you an update based on the newly published scores from Friends of the Earth and Greenpeace. Friends […]
General Election 2024 – Here We Come!
Carbon Neutral Aldbourne’s Ros Oswald has been tracking down this year’s candidates for East Wiltshire to find out their views on important environmental issues. This blog contains her own personal views and does not endorse a candidate or political party. Carbon Neutral Aldbourne is not a political organisation but we understand the importance of having […]
Another successful project for the Repair Network
When a precious item is broken it is often with much sadness that we scoop it up and put it into the bin. Accidents happen and not everything can be easily recycled. But what if, instead of landfill, we were able to creatively repair our precious items and restore (and perhaps even add to) their […]
Why have we not kicked our disposable cup habit?
Disposable cups are a problem. They are bad for the environment, they are hard-to-recycle and they are often seen littering our streets and countryside. It’s an issue that has been talked about for many years and we are now fully aware of the problems caused by disposable cups. We probably all own a reusable cup […]
A winning day for Carbon Neutral at Aldbourne Carnival
Carbon Neutral Aldbourne’s Ros Oswald had a brilliant time at this year’s Aldbourne Carnival. She took the opportunity to spread the word about all things Carbon Neutral. Here she looks back on the fun she had with her trusty partner, Molly the Labrador. It is quite a while since I have taken part in Aldbourne […]
The scariest thing about Halloween is the number of pumpkins that go to waste 😱
Did you know that it is estimated that 22 million pumpkins are wasted at Halloween in the UK? This is a staggering amount of perfectly edible food being thrown away. So we are challenging you lovely people of Aldbourne to do things a bit differently this year.
Zero Waste Heroes: Tim the Bin
No-one likes to look at litter, but how many of us see it on the street and think of it as someone else’s problem? Tim Beattie is someone who actually does something about it. Here in Aldbourne we are very fortunate to have a number of people who take care of the village and work […]
Litter picking for the Jubilee
The Queen’s Jubilee has inspired people to plant trees, hold street parties and light beacons. However, Carbon Neutral Albourne’s Ros Oswald decided to start the celebrations by picking up 70 pieces of litter instead! Here she talks about her experiences of litter picking and the positive effects it can have.