
General Election 2024 – Here We Come!

Carbon Neutral Aldbourne’s Ros Oswald has been tracking down this year’s candidates for East Wiltshire to find out their views on important environmental issues. This blog contains her own personal views and does not endorse a candidate or political party. Carbon Neutral Aldbourne is not a political organisation but we understand the importance of having […]

A look back at Carbon Neutral Aldbourne in 2023 (and plans for a busy 2024)

Last year was a busy one for Carbon Neutral Aldbourne with our sub-groups carrying out different activities and taking the group as a whole in a number of fascinating directions. In case you missed anything, here is a quick recap… BIODIVERSITY Aldbourne’s verges The verges project was carried forward throughout 2023. It has been wonderful […]

A winning day for Carbon Neutral at Aldbourne Carnival

Carbon Neutral Aldbourne’s Ros Oswald had a brilliant time at this year’s Aldbourne Carnival. She took the opportunity to spread the word about all things Carbon Neutral. Here she looks back on the fun she had with her trusty partner, Molly the Labrador. It is quite a while since I have taken part in Aldbourne […]

From Energy to Food and Biodiversity to Zero Waste – we have been busy…

Thank you for your continued support for Carbon Neutral Aldbourne. There are many things happening and taking shape and we guarantee you will be hearing and seeing a lot more from us in 2021. Here is a round-up of some of the things we are currently working on. ENERGY Our Energy Team has been looking […]