Carbon Neutral Aldbourne has been listening to the experts and we have compiled the following list of top tips. It is not a comprehensive list of every action you could possibly take. But, if followed, it will dramatically cut your carbon emissions.

1) Switch your supplier
If you haven’t already made the switch to a 100% renewable energy tariff you should definitely make this a priority. It will have a dramatic effect on your carbon footprint and can be done quickly and easily.
To make this as easy as possible we have teamed up with Octopus Energy. Make the switch to their 100% renewable energy and you will get £50 credit on your account. Octopus Energy will also donate £50 to Carbon Neutral Aldbourne to support our projects aimed at reducing our village carbon footprint and increasing biodiversity.
2) Make your home more energy efficient
This is a great way to cut your carbon emissions whilst also cutting your monthly bills. The Energy Saving Trust has some great advice on home energy efficiency.
3) Reduce the amount of energy you use
Turning off lights when you leave the room, turning off appliances rather than leaving them on standby and turning down your thermostat are all great ways to reduce your energy needs.

Conflicting advice and confusing statistics can stop you from making dietary changes. But if you follow these 3 simple tips you can be sure that you will be making a positive difference.
1) Don’t waste food – only buy what you know you will eat
2) Avoid air-freighted food
3) Eat less meat and dairy (especially beef and lamb)

When thinking about what you buy and how it affects the planet it can be very easy to get completely bogged down in stats about energy efficiency, where things come from, what they are made of etc. Try following these 3 tips to simplify your purchasing decisions.
1) Buy less stuff
Do you need it? Can you make do with what you already have? Can you share/borrow from a friend?
2) Buy high quality products and look after them
3) Buy 2nd hand where possible
And finally… PUSH FOR CHANGE

Get out there and make sure everyone – including our politicians – knows that you care about our planet and you believe that we can build a better future.
1) Amplify your actions by talking about them with friends and family
2) Sign petitions
3) Join local action groups – like Carbon Neutral Aldbourne!
From protesting to planting wildlife friendly gardens – there is a something for everyone and a cause we can all get behind.
We would love to hear from you if you have any more carbon cutting ideas. Please get in touch.